It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas… everywhere we go (I bet that got a song stuck in your head)! I do enjoy Christmastime for all the usual reasons like family time, the sharing of gifts, meals, and so on. And, of course, the celebration of the birth of Jesus, our Savior. However, I’m not exactly the world’s biggest fan of icy and snowy weather. I suppose I’d enjoy it a little more if I wasn’t out working in it when I’d rather be warm and cozy at the house. But, as I’ve been told, these are “first-world problems” and I’m certainly grateful for my job, my stable health, my family and friends, and my humble little home. I thank God for His provision and His mercies, which are new every day. I hope you are able to make it back to the house for Christmas, or at least close to Christmas, to spend some time with the truck turned off and the tree lights on. It’s not often that I have been out on the road over Christmas Day, but it happens, and I’m sure many of you know that feeling all too well. We understand that it comes with the job and it’s part of the deal when you spend your life playing with trucks. But it can be hard sometimes – especially on the kiddos. This poem is just something that popped into my head as I imagined being on the road in the days leading up to Christmas, while a challenging load and adverse weather conditions threaten the possibility of getting home for the holiday. When I was a kid, I played with trucks, so waking up on Christmas morning, I would be excited to find a toy truck with my name on it. Now that I’m grown, I often feel like I’d rather NOT wake up to see a truck with my name on it! Okay, wait… that’s not true… I still play with trucks. Merry Christmas everyone. Be safe out there, and we’ll see you all back at the house!
By Trevor Hardwick
Now it’s comin’ on Christmas…
And the wintertime’s here.
I’ve been thinkin’ about loads, and icy roads,
And the blizzards, that I fear.
This is not my first time…
It won’t be my last.
Just another year, that I put in my mirror,
Like a thing of my past.
As the years keep flyin’…
I keep whirlin’ around.
And the wind will blow, tossin’ to and fro’,
Like the snow on the ground.
But I keep on truckin’…
‘Cause I still play with trucks.
And I wouldn’t trade, this life I’ve made,
For a hundred million bucks.
And I hit the highway…
With my tin in the wind.
Like habitual sin, I hit the road again,
And again, and again, and again.
It’s perpetual motion…
It’s a merry-go-round.
By the time I’m done, havin’ so much fun,
I’ll be turnin’ back around.
But it’s comin’ on Christmas…
And I’m havin’ my doubts.
With this trashy load, and the nasty roads,
I’ll be makin’ it back to the house.
Now, my honey darlin’…
I’ll getcha somethin’ real sweet.
With a little luck, and the help of this truck,
I’ll slip it under the tree.
Kiss my little babies…
Tell ‘em daddy’s been fair.
For the girls and boys, there’ll be lots of toys,
Even if I ain’t there.
And could ya’ tell ol’ Santa…
I ain’t expectin’ too much.
But I do like bling, and other shiny things,
And I still play with trucks!