The Holidays are over – they always go so quickly. Not long ago we were ramping up for Christmas and now it is done. After the festive and colorful Holidays, everything just seems bland. Yes, it is the holiday blues, but not everyone lets it get to them. What is their secret? Four simple words – this too shall pass. Look over your life and think about the difficult circumstances you have faced. At the time, you did not know how you would get through it, but somehow you did. Difficult times are usually temporary, so if you can just keep those four words in mind, it will help you to face many of life’s challenges. Do not throw in the towel for it will pass, and one day you will look back and realize the valuable lessons you learned. They say our character is shaped in the valleys of life, not the peaks. When I was weak and in a difficult situation, I knew I did not have the strength to go through it alone so I turned to the Lord and asked Him to come into my life. It is amazing how much strength I received
through my faith. Not only did I learn that things do pass, but with prayer and faith, they pass much easier than when we stand alone. Many of you will say I have heard that before – so did I – but I never really listened. We all think we can get through it on our own, but that is not true. Many turn to drugs or alcohol to dull the pain, but quickly find that is not the answer. After hitting rock bottom, many finally turn to God and realize how faith and prayer can make such a difference. So, even though the Holidays are over and will not be back for another eleven months, the Lord is always with us – His love never fails. If you are facing tough times or suffering the holiday blues, ask the Lord to come into your life and help. With His help and your faith, you will come to realize, this too shall pass.
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SharLeigh has an inquisitive nature – she is interested in current events, history, science and many more subjects, including things that go bump in the night! Since 1997, SharLeigh has scoured the internet, looking for interesting, fun and timely topics covering all sorts of human-interest subjects for her articles from her home in Fontana, CA.