A common man whose word is his bond – he is one of a special breed of warrior ready to answer the call to duty. That is the Navy’s Sea Air and Land (SEAL) team. To protect the United States, SEALs conduct secret missions throughout the world. What sets the SEALs apart from most other special forces is their ability to perform underwater. Navy SEALs are specially-trained and have been deployed in a wide variety of missions, including direct action and special reconnaissance operations, unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, hostage rescue, counter-terrorism and other missions. Over the years, SEAL teams have aided in special operations in Vietnam, Grenada, the Persian Gulf, Panama, Afghanistan, Iraq and, most recently, the killing of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. In 2009, three SEALs engaged and killed three pirates holding a hostage in a small boat off the coast of Somalia. The SEALs’ primary desire is to succeed – never to quit – and if knocked down, to get back up.
They proudly accept this responsibility and way of life – to them it is an earned privilege each and every day! They quietly accomplish their missions without seeking recognition, serving with honor on and off the battlefield. Trained in unconventional areas such as hand-to-hand combat, high-altitude parachuting, underwater demolition and foreign languages, SEALs are always ready to go – no matter when or where. They accept the hazards and place the welfare of others before their own. If their leader is struck down, each and every man on the team is able to take charge in order to complete the mission. The SEALs beliefs speak of a strong and proud tradition. Their missions are of the utmost strategic importance to our country. Let us all take a moment to give them a big “thank you” for their integrity, honor and duty in protecting our shores and the world from evil.
God Bless the men and women in our military…and especially our special forces! And may our civilian leaders allow them to do their job to keep us safe. Thank you is not enough….
Thank you for taking the time to read the article and responding – yes I agree we need to honor and revere all of the men and women in the Armed Forces for their continuing fight for freedom!