In an earlier article entitled “Improving Your Sleep” I proposed presenting some basic information on sleep disorders, so that will be the focus of this month’s…
Author: Dr. Terence P. Hannigan
“This was the pleasantest year of all the life I led in this place; Friday began to talk pretty well, and understand the names of almost…
From the humor files, have you heard this before: “My bed is a magical place where I suddenly remember everything I was supposed to do today.” …
We live in an age of anxiety – rising costs, threats from foreign countries, political polarization, and a full -blown war in Ukraine. It is no…
I often go for a walk over the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge on Route I-84. Perhaps some readers have traveled this stretch over the Hudson River in New…
For those of us involved in a romantic relationship, we are likely aware of how much work it takes to keep our interpersonal interactions warm, positive,…
When was the last time you felt gratitude simply because the sun came up? Rarely do we even think about this simple miracle because it happens…