When Matthew Wiechmann (24) of Hubbard, IA started washing trailers for his brother AJ Wiechmann, that’s when he truly learned the value of hard work and goals. That lesson, learned at an early age, got him ready to be the trucker you see here – one that is excited about doing three rounds to Texas in one week! As Matthew and I were talking over the past week, we discussed everything from his childhood to how he got started in this industry. Of everything we discussed, the one thing that stuck out was his father. Cory and Dena Wiechmann raised eight boys and one girl – crazy, right?! “My father raised us to be respectful and responsible kids, so we grew up to be better adults,” said Matthew. “My dad is goal-oriented and a very driven man, so watching him taught me about the man I wanted to be.” With that being said, today, Matthew is a goal-oriented man, as well. He wakes up in the morning and sets a goal for the day, whether it be where he needs to be at the end of the day on the road or what he needs to get done in the shop at home. “I never wake up and start the day without a goal. It keeps me accountable and on a timeline,” said Matthew. Over the years, he’s had outstanding role models, whether it be his brothers or friends in and out of the trucking industry. Matthew’s oldest brother AJ (35), who’s truck you see pictured in this photograph, has been an influence from day one on this impressive young man. And, as you can see in the photograph here, Matthew loves what he does and does it with great enthusiasm. That’s the Spirit of the American Trucker, right there. Keep up the good work, Matthew!