10-4 Magazine

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There exists a group of women who are like no other. They face struggles and stereotypes that would deter many women from their chosen lifestyle. Their husbands may be gone for days or weeks at a time. Outsiders question the strength of their marriages. Many manage households, marriages, jobs and children while their men are miles and miles away from home. Some see their husbands every day, some every few weeks and some every few months. These women are among the strongest, most resourceful and most empowered women on earth. These women are truckers’ wives. Overcoming obstacles that many would find unbearably difficult is a regular thing for these women. As a result, they have learned to be independent and flexible. These women are able to keep their home running smoothly while their men are away. Some have children they are raising, grass they are mowing and dryers they are fixing. In response to these daily challenges, one trucker’s wife had a brilliant idea. Kelly Livingstone decided that truckers’ wives needed a place to go to find resources and information about the industry in a woman-friendly environment. These women needed a place to go to check the weather and road conditions, to find out more information on brokers and trucking companies, find articles that were relevant to them and a place to go when they were feeling alone, overwhelmed or just in need of a friend. Thus, atruckerswife.com was born! Whether you are a wife, girlfriend or significant other, you are welcome on the site. Come to share, learn and to find a warm place in your day where others know what you are going through. You are not alone. Wives of retired truckers, those of you who are new to this life and everyone in-between, will find trucking resources, tips on what to send with your driver, poems, stories, articles, personal thoughts and lots more. Visit www.atruckerswife.com today - the membership is free and the friendships are priceless.

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